Coin Collecting Loupe

coin collecting loupe

Coin collecting loupes are used to enhance the viewing of coins. They come in various magnifications, from 10x to 20x, to give a better view of the details of your favorite coins.

They are also useful for coin grading, for identifying minor imperfections and for checking for varieties and errors. They are also good for examining watermarks, security threads, and mint marks.

A loupe magnifier is made of a focusing lens, usually in a cone or housing. They are worn on the neck, but some can be attached to a hands-free magnifier device.

For a general evaluation, a five-power magnifying glass works best. Especially for specific features, a twenty-power magnifying glass is recommended.

For a detailed look at coins, you may want to use a coin microscope. These are the most powerful magnifying glasses for coins. They provide a high degree of magnification, and their lenses are large enough to enlarge all the defining features of a coin.

If you are looking for a coin collecting loupe that is easy to travel with, look for the Lidner 10X folding magnifier. This compact device can be worn around the neck or folded up for travel. It is inexpensive, lightweight, and offers an excellent range of magnification.

For a more in-depth look at your coins, you may want to invest in a professional-grade lens, such as those from Eschenbach. The German Eschenbach Optik 5x Loupe Magnifier is a well-designed, quality magnifier. It has a distortion free lens, which helps you see varieties and errors that are not readily visible with the naked eye.