Coin Collecting Newsletters and Publications

coin collecting amazon

Coin Collecting Newsletters and Publications

Many people go on line and look for information on Amazon about collecting coins. They may find books on this subject at the book store, or in some cases you can buy information directly from Amazon. This is a great place to start your coin collecting adventure. I started collecting coins years ago and am thrilled that I have found this great website. The information is easy to read and there is a wealth of information to learn.

I was quite pleased with Amazon’s newsletter. I am a collector of many different kinds of coins and was happy that I received the free online courseshow details on collecting coins. The free online coursesshow details gives the coin collectors a brief history on collecting. This is the best part of the newsletter. It also gives a short description about the various sizes and types of the coins and how to identify them.

When you go to Amazon and enter the website you are taken to a page that has a preview of what is coming up. If you are new to coin collecting you will enjoy what Amazon has to offer. It has all the coin books, which I was able to see just now, that I wanted. I will probably finish some of the magazines and catalogues as well. I am sure that I will become a member of Amazon Student Support and will be able to get the latest news and the coin books and catalogues and wall papers much faster. If you are looking for some great deals on the latest publications of coin collecting go to the Amazon website and use the free online coursesshow preview.