Coin Collecting Supplies

coin collecting supplies

A coin collection is a fascinating hobby that can last a lifetime and can add up to quite a bit of money. For many people collecting coins is all about building up a collection of commemorative or special edition coins that are minted to mark significant events and anniversaries. Others collect coins based on historical periods and dates that they are interested in. Whatever your reason, it’s important that you have the correct coin collecting supplies to properly care for and store your valuable collection.

The first thing you need to have is a good coin holder or folder that is specifically designed for the type of coins you are collecting. This will prevent your coins from rubbing against each other and damaging them. You also need a way to protect your coins from light, air and dust. A simple cigar box does not offer enough protection and can damage a coin collection over time.

If you are going to be storing your coins in plastic, make sure it is acid free. Some common plastics like PVC will react with the metals in coins causing greenish stains that will devalue your collection and reduce their value over time. The best choice is a high quality glassine container or plastic storage box made from archival material.

During inspection or general handling, you’ll need coin gloves that are either white cotton or latex and finger cots that will eliminate the oil on your fingers from touching the coin surface. A pair of coin tongs is useful as well because they can pick up a coin by the rim instead of its face.