Coin Collecting Tools

Almost any hobby requires some special supplies to help the collector manage their endeavor. Coin collecting is no different. There are numerous tools that are available to a coin collector, ranging from simple items like magnifiers and coin folders to more sophisticated pieces of equipment used for evaluating and inspecting the quality of the coins in a collection.

The most important supply for a coin collector is a means to store their collection safely. While many beginners start with a cigar box or other container, this is not an ideal option for serious collectors as it allows for the coins to touch and rub together, causing damage to the individual coin. A holder or coin album is a much better alternative. These offer protection against this type of damage and also allow the collector to view both sides of each coin in a clear plastic sleeve. While the cost of a coin album is higher than that of a coin folder, it is well worth the investment for any advanced collector.

Other useful tools for the serious collector include coin cataloguing software and a digital caliper. The latter is an essential tool for discerning the proper diameter of a coin and detecting potential flaws. A caliper also comes in handy for evaluating the thickness of the coin, something that is very difficult to do with just the naked eye.

Finally, a pair of gloves and coin tongs are very helpful in handling the coins. Gloves protect the hands from oil and dirt, which can contaminate or damage a coin. Coin tongs allow the user to grip a coin by its edge, and can be used for more intricate or delicate handling of the piece.