Coin Collecting Value Books

coin collecting value books

Coin Collecting Value Books

The field of coin collecting is a very niche and specialised field, so to coin collecting value books are a real investment. You can turn a hobby into a full time career very easily with the right training and guides. I have seen first hand how valuable these books are to those who are just starting out and want to get into this exciting and profitable field. The success stories you will read about, will give you hope and courage for your future, and the ability to work smarter not harder. There are many guides available, but it is up to you to choose which one is right for you.

You can find these books in many bookstores, or on various websites that sell coin collecting value guides. You may also be lucky enough to own some of them already, or know someone who does. If you decide to purchase a book, make sure you check every page and study the information. Be sure to pay close attention to what is being taught, because it is a vital piece to your future success. Many people who don’t get started, end up giving up too soon, because they didn’t fully understand what they were getting into.

My favorite two books that I believe are very important in the coin collecting world, are “ASCOTRAIA: A Guide To Currency Dealers Of The World” by Richard W. Johnson and “CITED MAN’S HAND: The Inside Secrets Of Collectible Coins” by Anthony C. Caputo. Both books are absolutely incredible and will take any coin collector to the next level. Don’t wait, go out and get yourself a book on your local library or bookstore today. Good luck!