Collecting US Quarters

coin collecting us quarters

If you are interested in collecting US quarters, there are a number of things you should know. You should also know the value of each type of coin. These coins were minted between 1916 and 1930, and vary in weight from 6.68 to 6.22 grams. They were produced at the Philadelphia Mint, New Orleans Mint, San Francisco Mint, and Carson City Mint. Some of the older designs can be quite valuable, and can fetch you hundreds of dollars if you’re lucky.

The United States quarter is a workhorse of the American economy. You may receive change from your wallet or cup, but quarters go directly into your pocket. That means that you’ll need to collect more than just your spare change. To collect all 50 states, you’ll need more than change. If you don’t have that much spare change, try making a video that ranks every state quarter. By late March, this video series has received more than 600,000 views.

Besides coins featuring the American flag, US quarters feature beautiful designs of different states. You can use these coins to remember special occasions or as gifts. To commemorate important events, you can buy state quarters with the names of people or events. You can also find a wide range of modern coins. You can find these coins at your local bank. The internet is also a great source. A good place to buy modern coins is at an online coin store.