Coming Up With A Coin Collecting Names

coin collecting name

Coming Up With A Coin Collecting Names

One thing that a coin collecting enthusiast must do is come up with a decent coin collecting name. There’s nothing worse than having a bad coin collecting name. If you don’t have one, now is the time to create one. Take your time and make sure you choose a name that will stick in someone’s mind. Remember that you’re doing this to start a coin collection business, not to make easy money. A good coin collecting name won’t be too hard to come up with.

Some of the ideas that you can use for a coin collecting name are “My Collection”, “My coins” and “My coins collection”. You can also choose something that is relative. “My five favorite coins” or “A History of United States Coins” are both relative names that will catch on and probably make you some money. You don’t have to use specific words but be as specific as possible. The more thought you put into your coin collecting name, the better it will be.

Once you have a coin collecting name, you have to make it your own. Don’t just buy a book at the local library or borrow it from the dollar store. Come up with your own little twist. Make it interesting enough that others will want to know more about you and your coin collecting hobby. Let’s say you decided to get started collecting Welsh gold coins. How would you describe your passion?

“A fascinating history of Welsh gold coins” is not very original. What if you went a little deeper and decided to call yourself something more unique? How about “The Welsh coin collector that finds themself lost in Wales collecting them”? Not much harder, but still accurate.

If you think that your coin collecting name is good, try looking for a group of like-minded people and form your own club. You can then come up with a short motto that will represent what you do and who you are. “The coin collecting guild of Wales” sounds exciting, but maybe “The Wales Coin Collectors Club”? Not as exciting, but more descriptive.

Just remember that the important thing is to come up with a name that people will recognize you by. After all, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time around other coin collectors when you first get started. Get your coin collecting name right and you’ll find it easier to make new friends and meet people with similar interests. And once you start collecting coins, no one will want to upset you about your coin collecting name!