Getting Started in Coin Collecting News Today

Many hobbies require an investment of expensive equipment and materials before you can get started – but coin collecting is accessible for just about anyone. Whether it’s a gleaming penny or a rare Roman emperor, coins can be purchased for modest sums at auctions and online. Miller, who has been collecting for about two years, says he’s noticed an increased interest in ancient coins among young people in particular.

He’s also seen the hobby expand through social media, with a number of Tufts club members turning their numismatic pursuits into YouTube channels that feature livestream auctions and educational videos. One of his club members, 22-year-old economics major Christian Hartch, has 124,000 subscribers and 17 million views on his TreasureTownCoins channel at the time of writing.

It’s important for new collectors to remember that the best coin collections are built over a period of years. It’s tempting to jump in with both feet and purchase all the coins you think are going to appreciate 50-75% over the next three years, but impulsive purchases are almost always wrong. It’s a lot more fun to buy good quality coins at fair prices and then watch them appreciate over time. That’s the real pleasure of numismatics. This rule applies to both buying and selling coins.