How to Make Coin Collecting Effect Unity

coin collecting effect unity

Many hobbies require you to invest in expensive equipment before you can even begin, but coin collecting is easy and accessible. You can start by simply taking a look through the coins in your change or looking up special edition coins that have been released to commemorate events and famous people. Once you have decided what you want to collect, you can then build up a collection by purchasing coins from dealers and the internet.

It is also common for collectors to group their coins into collections by theme. This could be anything from imaginary characters, animals, cars, railways, buildings or flowers to historical figures, famous events and landmarks. Some people like to collect a range of different metals, while others prefer to focus on a particular type of coin. This may be a specific denomination, such as pennies, or it might be a particular type of coin, such as proof or mint sets.

Another great way to build a coin collection is to buy all of the coins that have been issued in a country. This can be a great way to learn about the history of a country or its culture, as well as how its currency developed over time.

To add this functionality to our 2D platformer, we need to create a new UI element. Right-click, UI – Text. This will create a UI Text object in the Hierarchy Window. We will rename this to “Score Label”. To make the coin disappear, we need to add a Behaviour Script. To do this, we need to open the Hierarchy Window and select Coin. In the Inspector window, click the box next to Is Trigger.