The Coin Collecting Merit Badge

coin collecting merit badge

Collecting coins is an enjoyable, educational and rewarding hobby. They have historical value, they are recyclable and can be passed on to generations.

The coin collecting merit badge is one of the oldest merit badges in Boy Scouts. It started in 1938 and has been available through 1961.

What are the requirements for the coin collecting merit badge?

#1 – Know how coins are made and what identifying marks mean.
This requirement is a good one to review with your Scout, especially if he is a first-time collector. It will help him understand and explain how coins are manufactured.

#2 – Explain the terms: obverse, reverse, reeding, clad, type set and date set.

#3 – Learn about coin grades.

This is a fairly simple objective, but it is important to know what a coin grade is and how to find the right grade for your coins.

#4 – Understand and explain 3 different coin storage methods.

This goal can be done by visiting a dealer, library or museum to learn about different ways that coins are stored and protected.

#5 – Read a coin collecting magazine or newspaper and explain what they have to offer.

This merit badge is a great opportunity for scouts to learn about a wide variety of topics. It also provides the chance to interact with other scouts, who share similar interests as their peers.