The Importance of Coin Collecting Holders

Whether you have a large collection or a few choice pieces, coin collecting holders are essential to protecting and preserving your treasured collectibles. Leaving your valuables out on a table or in a dresser drawer is just asking for trouble. Your coins are at risk of oxidation, pitting, surface damage, and toning. In some cases, this damage can not be reversed. The incremental cost of quality coin collecting holders, folders and albums is minimal compared to the value of your collection.

Some of the most common causes of deterioration are acidic gases in the air. These gases can come from a variety of sources including standard paper and cardboard (acid used during the manufacturing process) and wood furniture. They can also be emitted from common cleaning supplies and vapors from cooking. Acids can cause a range of issues from minor unsightly toning to tarnish on copper coins, as well as corrosion and pitting on silver and gold.

Another concern is physical damage from dropping and mishandling your coins. Many of these problems can be avoided by using a quality coin holder, coin album or coin folder that holds your collection in an enclosed case. The holder should be made of a safe material that is stable (not degradable), as pure as possible, free of plasticizers and slip agents which can leach out over time and damage coins and notes, and acid free. The holder should also be clear enough to view the coin or note without removing it.